Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment Character

So the book i was going to read i couldn't find at any stores,they were all out of stock.Now I'm reading The Clockwork Orange by anthony Burgess.

1. The main character in my book is Alex. He is the one telling the story and describing whats happening. He seems like the leader of his group of friends, Greorgie,Pete and Dim. He doesn't really seem like a nice guy.He actually seems pretty messed up in the head.I don't think i'd ever want to meet him,ever! I mean at one point his friends and him start messing with an old guy.They first rip the books that the man was holding. They take out this old guys false teeth and break them and then hit him in the face. Well his friend actually asulted the old man he just watches and is like enjoying it. He also likes to be on drugs. Maybe later in the book he'll change but right now i think he's pretty screwed up.

2. Well it's hard for me to compare myself to anyone especially Alex. He's a very messed up kid. He's violent, he curel, and he likes to be on drugs. Alex just isn't a good guy. I think of myself to be a good person for the most part. I mean everyone has there faults but I would never purposely hurt someone. I can't find any simularities between Alex and myself.

3. Well seeing how messed up Alex is, I would guess the conditions of where he is is messed up too. I pictured like a dirty city. Just a really trashy place. I would think the people there would be dirty with no hyguiene. The are girls prostitute like. Also other people all messed up on drugs and people selling drugs. I would think it would smell gross because i pirture like trash everywhere.