Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fifth Assignment

1. I believe the project of my book has to do with karma. Like Alex does horrible things like stealing,rape,ect. and then he's betrayed by his friends and ends up going to jail. There 're more situations that are simular to this through out the book. Basically when you do something bad it will come back around and happen to you. Also "your past will come back to haunt you" and "it's a small world" are all intertwined into the book.

2.The conflict of the book is Alex and his friends committing violent crimes and then getting caught by the police.

3.Well the project is about karma and the conflict is about him and his friends committing crimes so with out them doing bad things you can't really show what karma is.

4.Obviously, Alex is basically the biggest element in the project because it's about him and how karma comes back to get him. Also, his friends play a big roll in the project because they're committing the crimes with him and then they're the reason he goes to jail.

Fourth Assignment

The Character, Alex, is a very important element to the book. He is not only the narrator he is the main character. The whole book is based on his life,what he does and what has happened to him. Without Alex there wouldn't be a story.

I also believe Alex is a metaphor for human nature. That no one is all good or all bad. He does this by doing some of the most horrible things but at the same time he loves classical music and talks about being clean and having respect. He's basically a walking contradiction.

I'd have to say the night would be a symbol. The night time is when all the bad things happen. The youngsters come out and commit a bunch of horrible crimes. This is the time when older people try not to come out cause they're affaird for their life. So when your reading this book and it gets late you basically know alex and his friends are going to get together and do something terrible.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Third Assignment

1. Well, I wouldn't say my book is original but i also haven't read a book like it either.Although I dont read all that much.

2.What makes my book have an old story line is that its about karma. I mean i'm pretty sure people have written books that have karma somewhere in the plot. But I would have to say he uses it in an interesting way,although it was really disturbing, it got my attention.

3. I don't think anyone can. I think Thomas Foresters is basically right. You can change things about the story like the setting and topic but in the end they'll all come back to the same story just in a different way.